Bubble Machine Hire
The ideal machine for any social event
Bubble Machines are an amazing solution for social events from parties to weddings. The bubble machinrd that we offer will ensure a steady flow of awesome bubbles throughout your event. Thos os something that everyone can enjoy, children and adults alike. Bubble machines truly ignite the imagintation and will create a memorable vibe at your event.
Children Parties
Bubble machines are a wonderful option for a child’s birthday party. They will add a magical element to the event and create hours of fun and amusement for the little ones. Your children will be entertained. Heir imaginations will take flight and you can rest easy knowing they are having a fantastic time.
Bubble machines make for a great modern substitute for confetti and will create a sense of wonderment as the bride makes her way down the aisle. The bride and groom will glow in an aura of romance as the bubbles make their way onto the dance floor for the couple’s first dance. Enchant your guests, make a statement and have the night of your life.
All Funactions
No matter the funaction from a Barmitzvah to a private birthday party, bubbles make a great statement at the most cost-effective price. Bubble Parties is your go-to company for bubble mahcine hire.
Bubble Liquid
5 Litre bubble machine liquid
All of our bubble fluid is locally manufactured. We guarantee the safest product on the market.
• The liquid will not effect or burn the eyes
• The liquid will not leave a sticky or thick residue on surfaces, making cleaning up simple and hassie free
• The liquid is reliable and there will never be any reduced bubble generation
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